Target an area

8 Gentle Vinyasa yoga classes focusing on specific areas of the body. Move, breath, re-charge & relax.

Hamstrings & quads

This class focuses on lengthening the hamstrings and inner thighs.

28 minutes

Strengthen and lengthen the leg muscles in this balancing flow.

28 minutes

Hips & glutes

Strengthen the glutes in this hip opening class.

28 minutes

This class opens up the hips as we sit down low.

25 minutes

Spine & core

Feel fluid as you Lengthen with this spinal flow.

20 minutes

Strengthen the core with this twisty flow yoga class.

21 minutes

Chest & shoulders

Work some strength & mobility into the shoulders with this chest opening flow.

22 minutes

Open the chest & release the shoulders with this class.

24 minutes

Combination classes

Gentle Vinyasa yoga classes combining areas of the body as well as full body flows.

Wake up the body with this short class perfect for the morning.

17 minutes

Re-align and re-connect with this whole body flow.

48 minuits

 Power up

Move strong and fast with these 4 power yoga classes.

Strengthen the whole body with this short power flow.

18 minutes

Move strong through this power class focusing on the core.

22 minutes

Play with balance with this twisty core power flow.

27 minutes

Strengthen and twist with this chair flow class.

24 minutes